The term cardoon is used of a large number of plant species, all belonging to the family of the composites, or plants with leaves and thorny stems. These are plants that love Mediterranean and warm climates like that of Sicily. This honey is a good sweetener that tends to soften strong flavours and render them more homogeneous, making it suitable with meats, cheeses and drinks like black tea. Cardoon honey also possesses good digestive qualities so that it helps good working of our liver, improving digestion and avoiding the feeling of tiredness and discomfort that one feels after a heavy meal
ORIGIN: Sicily
COLOUR: Amber with a rather light tonality
SCENT: It is honey with an intense and rich aroma, with a major floral, sweet and pleasant note, blended with a stronger one that reminds one of leather; some notice aromas that remind them of cinnamon
FLAVOUR: Distinctive and definite, it strikes the palate in a very big way, pleasantly persisting for quite a time with a sweet taste
CONSISTENCY: Medium pastiness thanks to crystallization that comes fairly soon after harvesting, turning the honey into an even more compact paste with a light colour
CONSERVATION: Room temperature sheltered from the sun
SIZES: 500g – 250g
EXPIRY DATE: Two years from the date of production
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